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110 Garner Road, Suite 3
Spartanburg, SC 29303

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Does Home Insurance Cover Sheds?

Home insurance is something that all homeowners can benefit from and having a policy that is tailored to your particular property is a must. Your home policy is going to cover everything in the home, and any seeds that are on your property as well as their contents. For those that live in the Spartanburg, SC area, the agents with Allsurance Group can help you find the policy that works for you.

Home policies cover a huge range of things that you may not even realize, like a shed that is on your property. Sheds are considered to be part of home property which means that if a shed catches on fire or is destroyed, you can claim it on your home policy and can also claim the contents of the shed as well. Your home policy will need to have sheds and any sort of contents named on the policy however in order for you to be able to claim them.

When you take out a home policy you need to establish what buildings are on the property and what the contents of those buildings are valued at. This is a similar notion to insuring a detached garage, you need to name both the building and state how much you want to insure the contents for. When you take a home policy you should allow the insurance adjuster to take a look at the shed and determine how much it needs to be insured for and how much you should insure the contents for as well.

It is always easier to figure out what to insure a shed and its contents with the help of an agent. For those in the Spartanburg, SC area, the agents with Allsurance Group can help you find the policy that covers your home and your shed.  

Doing Business On The Water: Keeping Your Commercial Policy Afloat

Though the city of Spartanburg, SC  has less than 1% of water,  we know a lot of water is to be had in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina which we serve faithfully. As a result, many of our residents make their living in the waters of these beautiful states. There are many factors involved in determining how your commercial policy should look in alliance with your business on the water. 

The most important factor is the type of business you are conducting on the waterways of North and South Carolina. If you are involved in fishing or boating tours then you may consider adding recreational insurance as an arm of your commercial insurance policy. If you are merely fishing and selling the proceeds of the catch your commercial insurance policy will look quite different. These subtle differences are why you should always sit down with an experienced insurance agent to ensure that you are protecting your business and your personal assets. Another facet of your concern should be if you split your time between business and pleasure on the water. We would love to sit down with you and clearly outline how Allsurance Group of Spartanburg, SC can part the waters in terms of your newfound understanding of your commercial insurance policy.

Allsurance Group is located at 930 Hospitality Dr. in Spartanburg.  Contact us by telephone at 864-641-6371.  We take pride in who we are and how much we know about the insurance field. It is our pleasure to serve you and make certain that you have the very best coverage to meet you and your family’s needs. We welcome you to learn more about our auto insurance, homeowners insurance, commercial insurance, life insurance, motorcycle insurance, renters insurance, recreational vehicle insurance, and our umbrella insurance policy. Stop by or call today.

Mudding and Auto Insurance: Does Off-Road Driving Affect Your Rates?

Truck owners in Spartanburg, SC may love going off-road during the spring and fall, when the mud is thick and they can really throw it wide. However, these individuals may worry about what happens when they crash. Will a policy from Allsurance Group pay for this damage? The answer to this question may not be to all driver’s liking.

Mudding May Negate Your Policy

Here’s something that few people may not realize about their insurance: the moment that they go off-road, their policy is not in effect. Essentially, this kind of driving is considered negligent or dangerous because most vehicles were not designed for it. Insurance is designed to only cover driving that is reasonable and safe.

As a result, any accident that you suffer while off-road may be uninsured and cause serious financial issues. This coverage limitation only applies in situations like mudding, where you purposefully go off-road to ride. Driving on dirt roads isn’t considered off-road because, even though it is primitive, the path is considered drivable.

Off-Road Insurance is Available

However, drivers may be able to add off-road protection to their policy to improve their coverage and avoid serious complications with their truck. This type of coverage typically requires collision protection, bodily injury issues, and property damage.

Make sure to ask your provider for all of these options on your policy. Failure to have these options could cause issues if you crash into somebody, damage their home or vehicle, and injure them at the same time.

Get the Insurance That You Need

So if you love off-road racing and plan on mudding in Spartanburg, SC any time soon, please contact us at Allsurance Group. Our experts will find a plan that works for your needs and work to ensure that your care is insured when you go off-road.

3 Common Auto Insurance Discounts to Look Out For

Affordable auto insurance is on every Spartanburg, SC driver’s wish list. Driver discounts are one way that insurance providers help make their auto insurance policies more affordable to the public. Allsurance Group understands the importance of finding auto coverage that fits your wallet as well as your needs. Here are a few popular auto insurance discounts that’ll help you save money.

Good Driver Discount

Staying out of trouble has its perks, especially when it comes to your auto insurance. Most auto insurance providers offer sizable discounts to policyholders who remain accident-free and ticket-free for a certain period of time – usually 3 consecutive years or more.

Multi-Vehicle Discount

Owning more than one vehicle can also be in your favor when it comes to discounts. Insurance providers value loyalty and one of the best ways of demonstrating that is by insuring all of your vehicles on a single policy. The significant savings you’ll see by bundling your vehicles under one policy can be a big benefit if you’re on a tight budget by having multiple vehicles to ensure. Multi-vehicle discounts apply as long as you have more than one vehicle insured on the same policy and that vehicle is either driven by you or a family member in your household.

Affinity Group Discount

Sometimes, getting good discounts on your auto insurance is as simple as being a member of a participating group. Insurance providers offer discounts to affinity groups – businesses, clubs and organizations based on a common interest – in exchange for the group encouraging their members to buy insurance from a particular provider. Affinity group discounts can knock a significant amount off your annual insurance premium. Some affinity group discounts may require purchasing a less personalized insurance policy than you’d normally choose.

At Allsurance Group, our goal is to help tailor the best auto insurance coverage to your needs. Call us whenever you need our services in the Spartanburg, SC area.

Why Do Homeowners Need More Than Basic Home Insurance?

One of the biggest potential mistakes that homeowners make when it comes to making a decision about home insurance is to only get the basic insurance required by the mortgage lender for the property. Studies show that more than two-thirds of American homes are likely to be under-insured. Talk with your agent at Allsurance Group serving Spartanburg, SC and the surrounding areas to understand your home insurance policy limits and to see if you have adequate home insurance.

Avoiding Under-Insurance Problems

The reason why homes are under-insured when having only the basic insurance required by the mortgage lender is that the only amount insured is the balance remaining on the home loan. This insurance only protects the mortgage lender to make sure the home loan balance is paid off if the home is totally destroyed. Obviously, this does little to help the homeowner if their home is destroyed. Any down payment or difference between the value of the home and the remaining loan amount is completely lost causing a huge financial problem for the homeowner.

Replacement Cost Home Insurance

A much better thing to have for the homeowner’s protection is a home insurance policy that covers the replacement cost value of the home. This type of insurance allows a home to be rebuilt to a similar condition after it has been completely destroyed. Also, talk with your agent about flood insurance because this coverage is an additional policy that is separate insurance from home insurance.

Each year, take the time to get an insurance review and explain to your insurance agent anything that has changed during the past year. For example, if you make a renovation on your home, tell the agent about the work that was done and how much you spent on the construction project. The agent will also use a cost-increase factor to recalculate replacement cost because the cost of materials and labor usually increases each year.

When you have replacement cost home insurance, you can rest easy and know that if there is a major disaster your home can be rebuilt without extensive money coming out-of-pocket. Consult with your agent at Allsurance Group in Spartanburg, SC to get a quote for home insurance or to have a home insurance review to make sure your coverage is adequate.

What Type of Business Insurance Should you Have?

Insurance for your business is much more complicated than a personal or home insurance policy. The main idea behind insurance for your business is to protect you fully against any action that can harm your business if someone sued you for any reason.

Commercial Liability Insurance

Commercial liability insurance policies in Spartanburg, SC cover all the claims against your business from another party. This includes any accidents that occur on the business property in which a third parry is inured. In this case, the injured party may sue your business and your commercial liability insurance will cover it to protect your assets. Commercial liability policies may also cover damages to your products, your property and may even cover independent contractors on your premises.

Fidelity Insurance

Fidelity insurance protects you as a business owner from any dishonest employees. For example, a financial institution may allow some employees access to confidential information and employees may leak this information. Your fidelity insurance policy from Allsurance Group will cover the unauthorized actions of employees, protect your assets, protect your technology and protect you from external fraud. The fidelity bond is the portion of a policy that reimburses you as the owner of a business for any damages in these manners. For example, banks cover all their employees from the cashiers and bank tellers to the directors under this type of policy.

Business Interruption Insurance

The purpose of a business interruption policy is to cover losses or damages that occur when your business has to cease operations for some reason. You must prove what it is that caused the interruption for a certain amount of time. This policy compensates you for income that would have been received in the amount of time had the business been operational. This can be used in the event of a tornado or flooding or a hurricane, which all occur at times in Spartanburg, SC.

Sometimes you may need some help building your business insurance policy and at Allsurance Group, we are here to help you to protect your assets. Give us a call or come into the office to find out more about insurance for your business.

Four main areas protected by basic home owners insurance.

Homeowners insurance is not intended to be suitable for everyone. Despite the fact that a typical policy comes with certain coverage, it’s usually tailored to meet the distinctive needs of an individual property holder.

Understanding what is covered and what is not covered before settling down on an option will help you make the right choices. Below are four main areas that a basic homeowners insurance policy will cover.

1. Dwelling and structures protection.

This covers the structure of your home in which you live in, other structures attached to it as well as separate structures on your property.

2. Personal property protection.

This cover protects your personal belongings that are within your home. It will help replace or repair your personal property in case of any damages which are covered by a specific risk. For personal property protection, you may be required to purchase optional coverage which will help protect your expensive and valuable items since they are considered above your basic personal coverage limits.

3. Liability protection.

This is coverage provide when someone who is not living with you gets injured while on your property. It also helps pay for any resulting legal expenses or medical bills in case you are found responsible.

4. The loss of use or temporary living expenses.

If your home is damaged from a covered loss and it becomes inhabitable, this cover will cater for all the bills and expenses incurred in your temporary home before your house is repaired and fit to live in.

At Spartanburg, SC’s Allsurance Group, our homeowner’s coverage, and flexibility to tailor make a policy which best suits your needs is our main focus. We understand that giving our client satisfactory customer service will make our clients happy, and that’s what makes us a good choice. Call us or visit us today for a remarkable experience.

Auto insurance coverage in Spartanburg, SC

Your car may not be the most valuable asset, but may be one of the most significant assets in your life. It is what takes you to every destination you desire visiting every day. Living without a car in South Carolina can be stressful but worse if you lack auto insurance. With auto insurance, you protect yourself and your vehicle in case of a road accident.

After using almost all your savings to purchase a new vehicle, the last thing you would wish as the owner is taking up another loan to repair it or pay your hospital bills after a crash. At Allsurance Group, we help you stay safe, protect your savings, and lead a more comfortable life with auto insurance. So what coverage options  are available in auto insurance?

  • Bodily injury: Pays for the expenses associated with other people’s injuries.
  • Property damage: Sometimes a car may crash into some else’s business apartment or rental apartment or even a home. This policy repays all losses.
  • Uninsured/underinsured: Not all drivers are responsible, and for this reason, you may find yourself in a compromising situation where the driver who hit your car is either uninsured or not insured enough. Irrespective of who is at fault, this policy will take care of all your loss and medical needs.
  • Comprehensive:  This coverage protects the car and pays for any damages or other issues lie theft.
  • Collision: In case you bump into an animal on the road, a stone, tree or even another motorist, collision coverage will help repair or replace the vehicle based on the wreck.

Purchasing auto insurance is one of the greatest and most essential financial decision one could ever make. If you have challenges deciding on premiums, Allsurance Group in Spartanburg, SC will guide you in the selection. For quotes or new policy, discussions visit us or call our customer care agents.



What Should Restaurants Know about Commercial Insurance?

Restaurants in Spartanburg, SC, need insurance just like any other commercial business. There are a number of reasons why restaurants need insurance. Kitchen disasters can happen regularly. One small fire, and you could be forced to shut down until it’s fixed. Injuries can happen at any time, whether it’s a slip and fall from spilled drinks or a waiter having an off day and spilling a pot of coffee on a guest. With liability coverage, you will be protected and avoid a major lawsuit. Liability coverage will also protect you if a guest seeks damages for food poisoning. Not only can guests get injured on the job, but so can staff members, which is why workers compensation insurance is important.

Restaurants should at a minimum have these types of common insurance: general liability, commercial property, workers compensation, and liquor liability. Liquor liability is recommended if your restaurant serves alcohol, so you aren’t held liable of an inebriated person causes damage to another person or property. There are also different types of policies restaurants can discuss with their agent at Allsurance Group. These include food contamination insurance and loss of business insurance. Food contamination insurance can help you if food spoils or is exposed to various types of contamination in a situation beyond your control. Loss of business insurance can help you if your restaurant loses sales under certain circumstances. Many restaurants are also suffering cyber security hacks, so you may want to consider cyber insurance to cover any costs that are associated with a data breach. While there are certain policies that make sense for a restaurant, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to make sure you have adequate coverage, and insurance needs can depend on the size, location, and nature of your restaurant.

Contact Allsurance Group serving Spartanburg, SC, to get a quote on insurance for your restaurant.


How to Be a Smart Driver

Whether you’re a new driver or one with multiple years of experience, it’s always wise to be smart and make sure you are doing all you can to be safe on the roadway. Not only does being a smart driver help protect your safety, but it also helps ensure you optimize the safety for everyone else on the road, including any passengers you may have in the vehicle with you. At the Allsurance Group, serving Spartanburg, SC, we are all about being safe behind the wheel of a car, and we’d like to share three tips you can follow to make sure you are a smart driver. 

Never Drink and Drive

To be a smart driver, you should never get behind the wheel of a car and drink. Nor should you ever get behind the wheel if you have drunk more than the legal limit. And here’s the catch, there is no legal limit in regards to the number of drinks you can have. There is a legal limit, though, in regards to what your blood alcohol level can be. To be on the safe side, you should never drive if you have had more than three drinks in an hour.

Always Wear a Seatbelt

One of the smartest things you can do as a driver is to always wear your seatbelt. In addition, you should get in the habit of making sure you are making your passengers wear a seatbelt too. If you have young children riding with you, it’s your responsibility to make sure they are in a car seat or booster seat.

Pay Close Attention to the Road

To be a good and smart driver, you need to make sure you are not distracted. To minimize distractions, you will want to keep your cell phone on silent and make sure the radio is turned down to a reasonable level. 

To learn more about safe driving, contact the Allsurance Group serving Spartanburg, SC. Our agents can help look over your auto insurance policy and answer any questions you may have.