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110 Garner Road, Suite 3
Spartanburg, SC 29303

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3 Reasons You Need Commercial Insurance in South Carolina

Commercial insurance is a must for anyone who owns a business in Spartanburg, SC. Why? Because you never know what the future could bring. Some things are simply out of our control, and that’s where commercial insurance starts. No matter what happens, your business is protected as long as you have the right insurance. Whether you’ve been in business for a day or decades, here are three reasons you need commercial insurance in Spartanburg, SC.  

Employee Injury

  • Scenario: You own a retail store, and an employee is mopping up after closing when she suddenly slips and falls causing injury to her back. She decides to sue. If you don’t have commercial insurance to cover the costs of litigation, medical expenses, and more, you could easily lose your business in the process. With commercial insurance, however, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are protected if an employee suddenly gets hurt.  


  • Scenario: It was a fantastic season, and your tourist business did well. Now it is time to close up shop and be a tourist yourself. While you are on vacation in Tahiti, your business is broken into, and everything is stolen. Without commercial insurance, you would be out of luck. There would be no way to recoup what you lost – unless the police catch the criminals and recover the stolen goods.  

Property Damage

  • Scenario: A lighting storm strikes the neighbor’s tree, and it falls on your roof, putting you out of business. If you have commercial insurance, there will be no need to worry. Your policy will cover the damages, and you’ll be back in business in no time.

To learn more about commercial insurance, contact the Allsurance Group.Our friendly, reputable agents have been helping satisfied customers purchase commercial insurance for a long time. You can reach Allsurance Group today at 864-641-6371.

How Are Your Points Held Against You In Auto Insurance?

Every insurance provider in Greenville or Spartanburg, SC will calculate your points differently. Depending on the insurance company, you might get a five percent bump in your rates with one insurer, and you might get a fifteen percent bump with another. The points themselves are added to your license by the South Carolina DMV, but every insurance provider will penalize you according to their own internal rule set. Allsurance Group can connect you to a range of providers so that you can find a forgiving insurer, but your best bet is to keep the points off your record in the first place.

Points will be added to your record based on many factors. Going ten miles over the limit on the highway might net you a single point, for instance, but going just a few miles over the limit in a school zone might net you two or more.

At 12 points, your license will be suspended. This doesn’t mean that you’re safe with your first-time offense if it’s a big one. Major offenses often bypass the points system entirely and go to instant suspension. But, all those little offenses can add up quickly, so you want to keep an eye on your points even if you’re a safe driver.

Some providers forgive your first accident without regard for points, and all insurers are required to honor points removed through defensive driving courses and so on. Even if you have some points on your record in Greenville or Spartanburg, SC, you have a lot of options to manage them and get excellent coverage through Allsurance Group. Reach out to our agents to learn more about a policy or try our online rating tool for quotes on auto insurance.

What to Do If You Think Your Home Has Been Broken Into

Returning to your residence and realizing someone has entered your home without your permission can be frightening, violating, and upsetting. However, our Allsurance Group team has put together this guide to help you navigate the necessary next steps on what to do if you think your Greenville or Spartanburg, SC home has been broken into.

Step #1: Call the Police

The first step to take, if you believe your home has been broken into, is to always call the police. Depending on the situation and severity of the crime, they may send an officer out or request that you make a report over the phone. Either way, make sure a formal report is filed. In addition, do not try to approach anyone still on your property or try to take matters into your own hands—leave it up to local law enforcement!

Step #2: Take an Inventory of Missing Items

Next, you will want to make a list of any missing items. Be as thorough and complete as possible. Look carefully through any drawers or cabinets left in disarray by the burglars and try to determine exactly what was taken. The more comprehensive of a list you can make, the better off you will be.

Step #3: Contact Your Insurance Agent

If you know the value of the missing items and the damage to your home exceeds your deductible, call your insurance agent. From there, a claim can be filed and the process of replacing your belongings can begin.

(Note: If your vehicle was also stolen or damaged during the incident, you will want to also file a claim with your auto insurance carrier.)

Are you ready to review your Spartanburg, SC homeowner’s insurance coverage? Contact Allsurance Group today to schedule your no-obligation appointment. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have. For an auto or home insurance quote from the comfort of your computer, try our online rating tool on our website!

Make Your Commercial Property Safer with Security Lighting

Security lighting is essential when it comes to keeping your commercial property protected. Thieves and vandals do not want to be seen and typically will not target commercial properties in Spartanburg, SC that have sufficient outdoor security lighting. Here are more benefits of security lighting for commercial properties:

Make Your Property Safer for Employees and Customers

Aside from keeping thieves and vandals at bay, having the proper security lighting outdoors will help employees, and customers feel safer when walking to their cars at night in a parking lot. All in all, security lighting helps prevent attacks on both employees and customers when you run a business that is open during the evening and early morning hours. For an effective deterrent, you can’t go wrong with commercial security lights. Bright outdoor lighting will also help prevent slips and falls by customers and employees. People will be able to see any obstacles in their path that could cause them to suddenly trip and fall, this could prevent an injury for which you could be found liable. When you look at it this way, it makes sense to prevent these costly scenarios by installing security lighting on your commercial property.   

Ask about Insurance Discounts

Some insurance companies may offer an insurance discount for making your commercial property safe and secure with professionally installed security lighting. To find out more, contact the Allsurance Group who serves the Spartanburg, SC area. Our friendly agents can discuss your recent installation of security lighting and your current commercial policy. To speak with a friendly, reputable agent at Allsurance Group call 864-641-6371 today.  





Do You Have Enough Auto Coverage for Your Teen Driver?

Having teens out on the road is a scary thing, not having enough insurance if they get into an accident is even scarier. There are a few different considerations that you should take when insuring your teen driver and the agents with Allsurance Group in the Spartanburg, SC area can help.

Time on the Road

The first thing to consider of course is how often your teen driver will be on the road and what their current level of experience is. If they have their license and have been driving for a while with no accidents, you may not need as much coverage. Also, if your teen is driving a new car versus an older car you may need more coverage. Not only to keep your teen safe but also to protect your investment in the car.

Another thing to consider is where you live

If you live in an area where there is a great deal of traffic and where your teen is going to come into contact with a large number of other drivers, you may need more coverage. You should also take the time to consider what car your teen will be driving and where they will be driving.

No matter what you answered to the above circumstances, you need at the very least basic liability coverage on your teen and the car they will be driving. If you are allowing them to drive a car that they will not own, you can add them to your policy and list them as a driver on a car that you already have insured. The real issue is to make sure you have enough coverage to be both legal and safe on the road. The agents with Allsurance Group can help those in Spartanburg, SC, and the surrounding areas, get the coverage they need.  

Spring is Here: Repair Winter Damage and Protect Your Home

As the air turns warmer and your Spartanburg, SC garden begins to bloom, it’s time to take a good look at your property and clean up some of the winter’s damage created by torrential rains and high winds. Allsurance Group offers you this quick checklist to help you fix up your home while protecting its value and appeal.

  • Secure the Siding: Take a ladder and a bucket of nails and ensure the cedar shakes, vinyl sidings, and window trim that may have worked loose are firmly put back in place. Loose and missing siding lowers your home’s ability to block summer heat while inviting water and the wind inside.
  • Patch Your Sidewalk and Driveway: A firm, flat approach to your home helps your guests to avoid injury from a trip, fall, or potential flat tires when they run over that ever-growing pothole.
  • Replace or Repair Cracked and Broken Windows:  While lowering their efficiency in blocking solar heating, a cracked or broken storm window can tell a passing burglar that your home may be an easy mark. It is important for the presentation of your home and for keeping the air conditioning inside.
  • Trim Broken Branches and Damaged Hedges: A dangling branch hanging from your favorite oak tree is simply waiting to fall onto your house, car, or a child playing in the yard. When you make a clean cut where the branch joins the trunk, you reduce the risk of injury and increase the longevity of the tree.
  • Clean Out Your Gutters: Before summer rains arrive, completing this grungy chore can prevent water from backing up under your shingles and cause water damage to your perfectly good rood.

For more tips on how to protect the value of your Spartanburg, SC home while reducing your liability, contact your agent at Allsurance Group. If you are looking for quotes on your home insurance, check out our online rating tool to find a quote from home.

Taking Your Kids on the Road? Make Safety a Priority

Road trips are a great way to spend quality time with your family. By taking necessary precautions, everyone can have a safe and enjoyable time. Here are a few ways to make safety a priority on the road.

Review Car Insurance Policy

Review your auto insurance from Allsurance Group in Spartanburg, SC to make sure you’re up to date on your coverage. Having adequate insurance will give you greater peace of mind as you travel.  

Make Sure Everyone Buckles Up

Using seat belts can cut fatality risks in half in the event of a serious accident. Children, in particular, should be buckled up for safety. Children 5 and younger are required to travel in safety restraint seats in South Carolina. If you plan to travel out of state, you should check their requirements before heading out on the road.

Inspect your Vehicle

Vehicle prep is a must before going on the road. Have your car inspected to make sure it’s road worthy for long distance travels. Make sure your mechanic checks your tires, fluids, brakes, transmission, steering and engine. If you need an oil change, get it done before your trip rather than after.

Pack an emergency travel kit with items you may need in case of trouble, i.e. flashlight, batteries, jumper cables, oil, tire sealant, coolant, basic tools, and extra fuses. A good GPS and road map will help you reach your destination safely.  

Get Sufficient Rest

Get enough rest the night before traveling and take breaks periodically during your trip to stay alert while driving. Share driving responsibilities with your spouse or someone else you trust if you start to get drowsy.  

Safe driving and good auto insurance coverage from Allsurance Group in Spartanburg, SC will keep you well protected on the road. Reach out to us today to find out about our various auto policies.

Homeowners Insurance Spartanburg, SC

Homeowners insurance protects a property owner when disaster strikes. South Carolina is known for hurricane risk. Property owners in Spartanburg can protect themselves from unexpected, costly repairs and replacement of a home and its contents after a natural disaster.

Homeowners insurance also covers costs associated with liability for guest injury on the property. With a homeowners insurance policy, a property owner can avoid paying out-of-pocket for medical bills, and related expenses like legal fees.

Disaster Risk Protection

Damage to a home can be significant during a hurricane. A homeowner can protect the market value of a property with a homeowners insurance policy. Compensation for damages caused by a disaster event can permanently devalue an investment. Homeowners insurance covers the cost of building repairs and interior contents so a property owner can focus on rehabilitating their investment.

Liability Risk Protection

When a visitor injures themselves on a property, the homeowner is responsible for compensating hospital, medical, and legal costs. A property owner can cover the cost of negligence and extenuating legal liability for an injury claim with a homeowners insurance policy.

Homeowners Insurance Protection

Comprehensive Coverage – pays for repair of property damages and related liability expenses following a risk incident.

Individual Coverage – protects a family from a property owner’s debt obligations and outstanding mortgage finance payments after a serious accident or death.

Packaged Indemnity Agreements – covers real property or personal property claims in case of theft or natural disaster.

Combined Life Coverage – combines life insurance and homeowners insurance liability, property damage, and end-of-life expenses, as well as benefits assigned to beneficiaries in one agreement.

To find out about homeowners insurance policy premiums claims grace periods, and terms and conditions in Spartanburg, SC, or to obtain a quote, contact Allsurance Group.

Worst Case Scenario: What to Do In The Event Of A Lawsuit Against You and Your Property

You’ve Been Sued – It’s Alright – That’s What We Specialize In

Serving the Sonoma County, CA area and the surrounding area, Allegheny Pacific Insurance Services agents provide insurance underwriting for your home as well as sound professional advice on how to acquire the best protection for many areas of vulnerability in your life where insurance is necessary.

Scenarios Wherein You May Have Vulnerability

  • A solicitor slips on a leaf while approaching your home to ring the bell.
  • If someone takes a bad spill in front of your home breaking their leg.  
  • A guest at a backyard party trips over some item embedded in your lawn that was not seen.
  • A delivery person falls down your step that was missing a tile or two. 

Having a comprehensive insurance policy is a great proactive measure. If you live in Sonoma County CA or a surrounding area you can sit down with an agent at Allegheny Pacific and discuss your particular lifestyle, (i.e entertaining at home) and how it affects your insurance needs. Contacting our office via telephone or website is also available. 

Unfortunately in today’s society, many people are on the prowl for an opportunity to sue someone for financial gain. Your first line of defense is your insurance company. Allegheny Pacific Insurance Services is well versed in how to address this concern. If the person has sustained a legitimate injury the insurance company will work with the individuals representative to determine if the home insurance policy encompasses the aspect at fault for the injury. 

Your agent will work with you in this determination process to gain knowledge of the event and make certain it is accurately presented and documented before a determination can be made. 

Tips for Buying Furniture for Your New Home

If you are moving into a new home or you are simply wanting to refurnish your current home, it is important that you invest in furniture that will last for many years to come. Remember, your furniture can serve as a versatile form of decoration as well as useful pieces for storing items. Here’s a close look at a few tips for buying furniture for your new home. 

Invest in quality furniture

First and foremost, you will want to invest in furniture that is of high quality. If you buy furniture that was not manufactured using high quality materials, you will likely be wasting money because this furniture will not handle much wear and tear, which is especially disadvantageous in homes with children. Furniture made of solid wood tends to last the longest, so you will definitely want to search around for pieces made of these materials. 

Determine what you need

When buying furniture for your new home, you will also want to consider the types of pieces you will need. For example, if you have small children living in the home, you will likely want to steer clear of furniture that is made of glass as well as pieces that have sharp edges. 

Choose versatile pieces

Lastly, you will want to buy pieces of furniture that provide ample storage and are very versatile. Take for instance a living room ottoman. If you invest in an ottoman that opens up for storage, this will provide you with a great way to store children’s toys or other items like photo albums. Remember, the more storage you have in your furniture, the more closet space you will have for storing large items. 

Contact Allsurance Group serving the Spartanburg, SC area today to learn more about buying furniture and home insurance.